Cervical Posterior Foraminotomy


This surgery creates more space for a compressed spinal nerve in your neck. The procedure relieves painful pressure caused by a herniated or degenerative disc.


In preparation for the procedure, you are anesthetized. You are placed in a face down position. The surgeon creates a small incision in the back of your neck. The structures within your neck are gently moved aside to create a path to your spine.

Creating Space

There are a few ways to create more space for your compressed nerve. The surgeon may choose to remove a portion of the lamina. This is the bone that forms the rear of the spinal canal. The surgeon may remove bone to enlarge the foramen. This is the opening the nerve passes through as it exits the spine. If your nerve is being compressed by a herniated disc, the surgeon may remove the bulging disc material.

End of Procedure

When the procedure is complete, the incision is closed. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions to aid your recovery.

Please be aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Willis Knighton Health